April. 29
Duo concert with Bar Halevy
Barood, Jerusalem
Jun. 06
Sounds of the Mediterranean sea
with The Israeli Plectrum Orchestra
'Symphonia' auditorium
Rosh Ha'ain
Details will follow shortly
Sep. 06
Sounds of the Mediterranean sea
with The Israeli Plectrum Orchestra
Main culture hall
Details will follow shortly
Sep. 08
Jerusalem of the Balkans - International world Music festival North Romania
Details will follow shortly
Past events
Mar. 21
Jerusalem of the Balkans
Rishon Letzion (private event)
Feb 15
Jan 26
Athens concerts
Dec 09
Mousikes Diadromes, Athens
With Babis Tsertos
Dec 10
1002 Nychtes, Athens
With Manolis Pappos
Dec 11
LUX Athens
Main concert - Greek & Sephardi music
Nov. 24
'Jerusalem of the Balkans'
Beit Taylor
Nov. 03
'Jerusalem of the Balkans'
East-West music house
Oct. 27
'Jerusalem of the Balkans'
International YMCA
Oct. 13
Mediterranean songs
Storytellers festival, with Journalist Shimon Parnas
Givataim Theater

Sep. 30
Greek Trio - Rebetiko & Laika
Taverna bar
Sha'ar Ha'amakim
Sep. 18
Greek Trio - Rebetiko & Laika
Yad Labanim

Sep. 13
Greek Trio - Rebetiko & Laika
Yad Labanim

Sep. 07
Greek Trio - Rebetiko & Laika
Yad Labanim

Sep. 03
Greek Trio - Rebetiko & Laika
Kfar Varburg
Sep. 01
'Jerusalem of the Balkans'
Anette Studio
Aug. 26
Greek Trio - Rebetiko & Laika
with Shimon Parnass
Greek community house
Sep. 01
'Jerusalem of the Balkans' - Premiere concert
Confederation house

Jun. 13
Sounds of the Mediterranean sea
with The Israeli Plectrum Orchestra
'Beit Gabriel, Tsemach
